Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Writer's Craft

This story’s setting is in the great depression in America. Lennie and George went to a Californian ranch to work there. Before they went there they were somewhere else. The story does not tell where they were before going to California. Instead I have read some of the description and it seems like they were in California already accept went down south more to reach to the ranch. They are in a hot dry place just like a Texan western movie. They have diction. Their diction is not western or an English accent, but they tend to use a lot of slang. The other people who were already in the ranch were the same too. The people spoke in a sentence that sometimes makes an incompletion like missing an “a” or something to make the sentence make sense. At first when I first read few pages of the book, I thought they were speaking old western language in the book. As soon as I read more, it hit me that it was not western because there were no howdy or anything it was just regular English. The people would not speak in full sentence. It is seems like they like to speak in short sentences. I guess it has no accent that makes it show, but a ways of speaking diction. The writer John Steinbeck describes everything from his home town which is California. The dialogues were sometimes hard to read because of the unfamiliar. I guess that is where he gets all of those good stories and good diction.

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