Thursday, March 8, 2007


I had some predictions on the book Of Mice and Men. Making predictions are fun, but if you get them correct and the end of the book end up what you predicted, it is usually boring. While reading the first two pages, I thought maybe I know what is going to happen and it sort of did. My prediction in the story Of Mice and Men was not perfect or incomplete. I predicted that something horrible is going to happen to George and Lennie. I noticed that because George explained why they had to go to a Californian Ranch and they went there just to get away from the agitation. The agitation was more than good enough to run away and go to another place to work. What I did not know about was that one of them had to die because of their conflict. I did not know that the conflict would be enormous that one had to die. At first I thought they would just run away, but they wanted to stop the conflict so one of them died and that is Lennie (Sort of a trouble maker). When I first read the book, I did not know if the book would be a tragic and sad mood. At first I thought it would be like a happy mood those were my prediction too. My prediction in the end of the story was supposed to be happy, but it was not. I guess there were a lot of predictions that I made and did not turn out to be correct, but slightly right. The only thing I was right about was that there were going to be another conflict in the story.


Dear Lennie,

I know it seems weird that I am writing you a letter, but I just wanted you to know why I was so cold to you and why you felt so much pressure from me. This is a note that you would first and last read of me. Even though you are over there in a place where there is peace, I just thought maybe you would have to know some reason and why I have shot the gun. Well this is it. I know it seems shocking, but I have to tell you that I love you just like a younger brother of mine. Still if you want more answers there are more. I felt awkward to show that I care about you and it makes me feel more emotional if I show how I feel. I am sorry that you felt a lot of pressure, but I want you to be safe and not get hurt or in trouble. It seems like your life must be in a horrible place right now so that is why I pulled the trigger. You said that you wanted to be in a place where all people would and you life are happy and there would be no complications for you. Where you would not have no friends and a place where you could live freely. I really did this just for you. Also it was for the workers in the ranch to not kill you. If it was them, I would not know if you died peacefully or not. I wanted you to die with no harm just in a way where you wouldn’t feel any hatred. So this is a letter that I really wanted you to read. I wanted you to know everything.


Wednesday, March 7, 2007


“George turned and looked toward them.”
“Go on, George. When we gonna do it?”
“Gonna do it soon”
“ Me and you”
You … an’ me. Ever’ body gonna be nice to you.”
"Ain’t gonna be no more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nor steal from ‘em”
(Of mice and Men pg106)

What kind of Character is Lennie?
Lennie is a man who is not too old or too young. He is always with this guy named George. Lennie likes to touch soft, cuddly, something that attracts him like cuteness, or something that makes think that is interessting. He is just like a kid. George is physically really strong. He could kill a person. If someone starts to scream or make Lennie suprise he could kill someone by acident or do something wrong. For example, he would touch a dress which a girl is wearing which seems like to others that Lennie is doing soemthing wrong. The girl would scream and he would be surprise and he would grabb and hold on to the dress for a long time until George his friend helps him. He is like a trouble maker. In the end he dies just for himself to have a good life and let people like him more in the next life.

What kind of character is George?
While reading this book, I thought at first that geourge was a mean person and thinks that he kos everything. Later on I notice that He was just protecting his friend Lennie. George would tell Lennie what to do and not let George what he wants to do. I started to understand George in the middle of the book. To Lennnie he is cold ,but to others he tries to tell others about Lennie that he is a good guy and does not have any harm in himself. George kills Lennie at the end of the story because of an incident that happened to Lennie at the new Rach that they get to work in Lennie acidentally killed a boss son's wife. Since everybody in the ranch wanted to kill him, George instead killed him his self. I think this shows courage and love because George killed Lennie for having a better life than right now for people to be nice and kind to him, so he could be safe.

Of mice and men (Original)

How I thought about reading this book.

At first, I was looking for a book and later my friend came in. She asked me what I was doing and I told her that I was finding a book to read. Later she leaves and goes somewhere else. Two minutes later she come up with a book. She said that it was fun and interesting to read. I took it and read the title and asked myself if I wanted to read the book. The book looked really old and also looked really boring. The ink on the pages was fading away and you could hardly see the words now. It seemed out of my book league. Later I thought why not try to read this book. Now I just noticed that you can't judge a book by its cover. Even though it looks old and sort of out of your book ideal, just tries something new. This book made me feel like I just got over the barrier of the fear of reading the books I hate. Old fashion books even tell better theme and motif than modern books. I am glad that I took the book and read it. So, next time if I see a book that looks old and does not seem fun, I would try to read it and see if it is my type. Usually the books that are from the old age actually is harder to understand the motif and theme so it is good for people to read those kind of books. To read and learn your way the out.

Writer's Craft

This story’s setting is in the great depression in America. Lennie and George went to a Californian ranch to work there. Before they went there they were somewhere else. The story does not tell where they were before going to California. Instead I have read some of the description and it seems like they were in California already accept went down south more to reach to the ranch. They are in a hot dry place just like a Texan western movie. They have diction. Their diction is not western or an English accent, but they tend to use a lot of slang. The other people who were already in the ranch were the same too. The people spoke in a sentence that sometimes makes an incompletion like missing an “a” or something to make the sentence make sense. At first when I first read few pages of the book, I thought they were speaking old western language in the book. As soon as I read more, it hit me that it was not western because there were no howdy or anything it was just regular English. The people would not speak in full sentence. It is seems like they like to speak in short sentences. I guess it has no accent that makes it show, but a ways of speaking diction. The writer John Steinbeck describes everything from his home town which is California. The dialogues were sometimes hard to read because of the unfamiliar. I guess that is where he gets all of those good stories and good diction.

Writer's craft

The book I was reading is Of Mice and Men. The story theme is we can not be alone even though you say you can be alone. You would always need a friend right beside you. It also shows that you would always try to bully the weaker ones and the weaker ones would bully the weakest ones. The Characters in the story are Lennie, George, Crook, Candy, Curly, and Curly’s wife. Lennie is a type of guy who is strong as in physically in the outside, but weak in the inside. The problem is, is that people looks at what he has done,like for instance he accidentally killed a mouse when he was petting it or killed a pup because he thought the pup was going to bite him so he hit the head of the pup which made the pup die. George is a friend of Lennie. They have known each other since they were small. George is sometimes mean, but it seems like he is trying to hide his soft side with his cold look. George tries to help Lennie because Lennie makes much trouble in the place they are working. George knows Lennie the best and helps him. Lennie would looks like he is the weakest of the story because he doesn’t really know what to do in his life he follows George’s orders because it is the safest thing to do and also he always get in trouble. They would like to live in their best interest. Candy is not a main character, but is part of the mains. He is a handy man in the ranch they are working and is old. He is a type of person that does not want to argue in a bad way with people in the ranch. Crook it the only one in the ranch that is colored. He works as a stable- hand. He is usually bitter because in that time diversity was not a good thing. He was always alone and had no friends. He lived in alone when other guys would all live together. He starts to like Lennie after talking to him. Curly is the boss’s son and would always put himself in danger because he is aggressive and he is also has a sharp meanness in himself which makes people get stressed out which makes Curly get in lot of trouble from the workers like fight would be started. He has recently married a woman. Curly’s wife behavior shows that she is always isolated and never gets to talk with anybody. She doesn’t really like her husband. Her intentions are to make friends with the workers because she has no friends and never gets to talk to anyone. Crook shows loneness by telling Lennie that he is always alone and never gets to talk with anyone. He kept on telling stuff about his loneness and explains what he wanted to do, like he wants to talk with someone because it makes him sick sometimes to not talk with anyone. Culy’s wife in the other hand would ask the guys where her husband is. This is the part when she tries to make through the border and try to talk to them more and try to make friends. Of course the guys dose not want any trouble so they would tell her to back off and go away. They do not really like either. Later on Curly’s wife start to talk with Lennie when Lennie was alone in the barn petting a pup. She told him that she was lonely and wanted some friends and wanted to talk to someone. She got to talk with him for a while. The Characters relate to each other because there is always going to be a weak on in a group and always a leader.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Cut- If I could change the title

If I could change the title, I would change Cut and put it as Hurt. This is because she hurt in side and out and usually doesn't cut herself. I think Hurt would be a better title and would discribe the book better instead of Cut.